FBW R&D Intro

Be part of the community that is driving biopharma innovation!

The R&D community brings together R&D, drug discovery, preclinical research, and CMC professionals from biotech, mid-sized and large pharma organizations. With a focus on cutting-edge innovations and actionable strategies, attendees will gain invaluable insights to accelerate R&D and optimize drug development and delivery. 

Accelerating R&D

Delve into the latest scientific breakthroughs and uncover innovative research methodologies and successful approaches to accelerating drug development

Expert Insights on Drug Development

Hear from leading experts on the latest in drug discovery strategies, formulation techniques and CMC approaches

Enhancing Therapeutic Development Approaches

Discover pre-IND development strategies, laboratory practices, and drug delivery that can help accelerate therapeutic development

Topics covered in the R&D track:

  Cutting-edge breakthroughs in drug discovery and development

  Accelerating R&D timelines and improving efficiency

  Optimizing CMC processes for better product outcomes

  Novel approaches to drug delivery and formulation

  Overcoming challenges in scaling production and quality assurance

  Enhancing cross-functional collaboration in drug development 

FBW R&D Topics